Released theatrically in the U.K. in the summer of 2021, After Love , the dramatic feature debut of writer-director Aleem Khan, only started its limited U.S. run last week. This will mark the first stateside release for British distributor Vertigo Releasing, and they must be feeling pretty confident about the word-of-mouth chances of Khan's little movie, given that they've decided to give it the added push outside the usual metropolitan arthouses and straight to select multiplexes. It's an odd gamble to take, given that it's already been a little under three years since After Love did the international festival rounds in 2020, and a little over two years since it swept the British Independent Film Awards for Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director, and Best British Independent Film. (Its star, Joanna Scanlan, also nabbed a Best Actress at the 75th BAFTA awards.) And while my own tendency is to support almost any independent and foreign film ...