Originally airing on ABC in May of 1995, The Langoliers was a two-part television miniseries adapted by Tom Holland, the director of the original Fright Night and Child's Play , from the Stephen King novella of the same name. Concerning an assortment of commercial airline passengers who wake up from their mid-flight nap to discover that they may have passed through a rift in the space-time continuum, it is typical of a certain kind of King media, especially in television, in that it is above all unimaginative and cynical, excruciatingly belabored and absurd in its faithfulness to the original text, and more importantly lacking in any formal sophistication in order to establish a credible atmosphere of suspense and dread. You do get a couple solid, scene-chewing performances out of it, especially as it concerns some of King's favorite types of stock characters. There is a psychic girl, of course, played by Kate Maberly, but I'm sad to report that she's saddled with...