Between May, 1978 and April, 1995, a man named Theodore John Kaczynski perpetrated a series of domestic bombings that killed three individuals and injured 23 others. His targets tended to be locations or individuals identified with airline companies and universities. This earned him the FBI identifier UNABOM or "University and Airline Bomber"; and, thus, the media supervillain alter-ego, "Unabomber." A child prodigy when it came to mathematics and a social maladroit when it came to virtually everything else, the disillusioned Kaczynski suddenly resigned from his assistant professorship at U.C. Berkley's Department of Mathematics in the summer of 1969 at the age of 25. Within two years he was living a subsistence life out of a cabin that he and his older brother David built in the mountains of the unincorporated community of Lincoln, Montana, making ends meet by doing odd jobs, but mostly living parasitically off his family. From the physical and emotional privat...