In the city of Puebla, Mexico around the turn of this century, an aspiring chef named Iván (Armando Espitia) finds his culinary degree counts for little after a year in the scrub room of a small diner. Passed over for a position in the kitchen in favor of the boss's nephew, he is told that he lacks patience, and should feel grateful that he even has a job. Going nowhere fast, he struggles to keep in touch with his mother, who takes care of his terminally ill father, and to stay in the good graces of his estranged girlfriend, who maintains sole custody over their son. What's more, Iván is a homosexual, and the increasing implausibility of his protecting this secret in a society of entrenched patriarchal, cultural conservatism only compounds upon his precarious social and interpersonal position. One night, Iván and his best friend Sandra (comedian Michelle Rodríguez, not to be confused with the American actor) decide to get wrecked at a new gay bar. It's there that he meets G...