A work of historical fiction set amid the 1984 U.S. presidential election, The Last Thing He Wanted is adapted by director Dee Rees and co-writer Marco Villalobos from the 1996 Joan Didion novel of the same name. It sees a sidelined, muckraking journalist (Anne Hathaway) abdicating the campaign trail in order to help her gun-running father (Willem Dafoe) out of a jam. In the process, she's marooned in Costa Rica, and runs afoul with the various clandestine parties in the American empire's subversive, reactionary missions in the southern hemisphere. The juxtaposition of high melodrama and historical intrigue pushes the film's already convoluted plot to ludicrous extremes. But that manner of its dramatization is also the only interesting thing about the latest from Rees, her previous films being Pariah (2011), Bessie (2015), and Mudbound (2017, also distributed through Netflix). All of these films are far more narratively straightforward, so Rees' expe...